| how to use words | sales copy | constructing sales copy | paint
pictures with words.|
Listen Carefully!
I know that a lot of you know that I taught 6th grade for 5 years. In
the English class, I empathized the art of learning how to use
words to paint a picture in the mind of the person you are talking
to or writing.
I will share with you an assignment I gave them to discover the
different picture with just one word. Many times this is what
develops misunderstanding.
"It's time to see how clearly you can think." I said to my class.
"Now, listen carefully, and think about what I'm saying.
"I'm thinking of a person who has the same mother and father
as I have.But this person is not my brother or sister. Who is it"
The kids in the class furrowed their brows, scratched their
heads and otherwise showed how hard they were thinking.
But no one came up with the right answer.

When everyone in the class had given up, I announced,
For the rest of the story. CLICK HERE
Listen Carefully!
I know that a lot of you know that I taught 6th grade for 5 years. In
the English class, I empathized the art of learning how to use
words to paint a picture in the mind of the person you are talking
to or writing.
I will share with you an assignment I gave them to discover the
different picture with just one word. Many times this is what
develops misunderstanding.

"It's time to see how clearly you can think." I said to my class.
"Now, listen carefully, and think about what I'm saying.
"I'm thinking of a person who has the same mother and father
as I have.But this person is not my brother or sister. Who is it"
The kids in the class furrowed their brows, scratched their
heads and otherwise showed how hard they were thinking.
But no one came up with the right answer.

When everyone in the class had given up, I announced,
For the rest of the story. CLICK HERE