Why would I tell you about our Friend Lady.
Well if you read on I believe that you will also say that she was our very special friend. It all started when she showed up at my shop. She was young, but full grown. She showed up at my shop with the door open and she came in slowly and cautiously. I stood quietly and talked to her softly. I gave her some water which she drank and she sat down like this for some time watching me work. I got ready to go home and she followed me to my old van. I opened the door and she was sitting like this again and I said, "Don't you have some where to go home to. Do you want to go home with me?" ![]() She got up and into the old van, She came into the house with me and was quite as Beth, Russ and Brad all said hello. They said," She acts just like a little Lady." So from then on she was LADY. I asked the neighbor about her the next day and he told me that she had been hanging around for a week or more. A little background will help you understand more. Beth has had the heart arrhythmia problem since Birth. She has had five major Heart Attacks. One of the very special incidents with Lady was when Beth was able to come home after her second attack. ![]() Dr.s instruction was bed rest, quiet, etc. Well the next morning we agreed that the boys go to school and I would go to work. If needed, I was five to ten minutes away. So the boys and I said goodby and I looked down and said to Lady. Now Beth is not to get up and walk around the house, Now Lady, your job today is to keep her company and not let her walk around the house. Lady walked over to a rug on the floor right beside Beth's side of the Bed. The three of us said good bye and took our leave. That evening, the boys were already home and met me telling me that Beth said that Lady did not leave except the two times Beth needed to go to the Bath room. She said that Lady moved ahead of her and sat it the middle of the hall way until Beth returned to the bed and Lady followed and sat down on the rug. ![]() Lady was always ready to go camping and we never had to call her back etc. Always acted like she knew what Beth needed and that was her duty. Lady was like that most of the time. The only time she was not was when our Thermostat on our furnace quit. Beth called our electrician. He looked at the thermometer and went downstairs to the furnace. As he came back up the stairs very rapidly into the living room where Beth and boys were watching TV. Lady had him by the leg. Lucky, no harm done, but apparently Lady felt protection was needed. Yes, we miss her, She had been part of the family for 16 years. We wondered many times, was there more to this other than a loving pet? More About that Soon. However my absence has been working on this project. We have a big announcement coming soon. I can't tell you about it yet because you can not see it, but I can tell you this
![]() It is coming very soon because: we care for you at Petersen Enterprise ![]() Sincerely, Harley Petersen |