I have always been excited about
Airplanes since I was real young. My uncle had a Stinson 105
based at a grass runway airport about 1 mile south of my
parents Fruit Ranch in California.

My Uncle Art took the time to show me most all
of the airplane and took me for a ride many times during my
pr-teens and early teens.
I was so interested in airplanes that I would
even take a date with me to an airport and stop and watch
the activity.
Fast forward from High School Graduation 1955
to 7-7-1973
(my birthday) Beth said, "well maybe you should learn to fly
and see if it really is something you want to do."

That is all it took, I had my Airman
Certificate in a couple of months. This Cessna 150 is almost
like the one I received my training.in. It would cruse at
about100 air miles per hour.
I had joined a flying club in Blair where we
lived in Blair Nebraska.
The flying club owned a 150 much like the one above and also
a Cessna 182. This was a four passenger Airplane. I would
cruse about 145 (?) air miles per hour.

Then later as I became a Sales Manager over
five states working with our Disturbers of Farm equipment an
airplane was a very handy tool for this amount of traveling.
So a friend of mine and I bought this Bonanza

Many times I have had somebody riding with me
in our airplane. If this is their first ride in an airplane
they can be pretty Nervous.
I remember one who watched me read and check
through the take off check list and said to me,"If you have
to read the instructions before take off, please take me
back to the hanger." This was not a joke, he really was
If I had a rider with me for their first ride,
I would usually ask the rider to put their hand on the
control wheel and instruct them to turn it a little. Now
when they feel the pressure, they begin to release that the
air we live in and breath is something real even thought we
can not see it.
Is this developing faith in something that you
can not see, smell, taste, hear or feel? Sometimes I have to
remind myself that there is.
We care at Petersen
Sincerely Harley Petersen
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