During my 18 years working as a
nutrition representative, I saw a lot of rural
like you will see below and I heard many fun
I also learned a lot about life and how it is
similar to our lives. For example:
There was a young man from town on his way to
pick up his date at her parents Farm House. He
noticed some beautiful wild flowers on the way
and a thought came to him that his
date might be
impressed if he picked some and gave her a bouquet.

He was pretty excited and intent on choosing
the different flowers. He was so intent, that he
did not
notice the animals moving in behind him.
He did not have
many yet to make a beautiful
Bouquet. He kept on picking the
flowers as the
herd was quietly closing in.

He heard something like a sniffer, turned
and here was a Bull and a heard of cows behind him.

He look the other way and saw the rancher
leaning on the
fence. He shouted to the rancher
"is that Bull safe." The
rancher said," O OOHH
yaw! I would say that Bull is very safe, but I
know how safe you are."
Are you in a new place in life or are you
running into new things, some of which are new
and strange
to you? Do you feel like it is over
whelming sometimes?
I remember when I started out on the internet
in 1999, I was very green as many were even
though I had my first computer in
1983. We
used it for financial book keeping and writing
place of the old typewriter. I also had abut
twenty five
years experience in sales work.
I finely joined a group by chance.The
and leader of that group was very
experienced. He was
a very good teacher
nd coach. He is still very active
online today
and I appreciate him.
We have a big announcement coming soon.
I can't tell you
about it yet because you can
not see it, but I can tell you
- You need it.
- You want
- We have it.

It is coming very soon because:
we care for you at Petersen Enterprise

Harley Petersen
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