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As a responsible elderly human being approaching 77 years of
age just around the corner, I feel the obligation to pass on
some (wisdom) which has come by pondering what worked
and what did not work in situations that came up through life.

- Good happy families are like fudge -- Mostly sweet
- with a few nuts.
- But raising teenagers is a pain, like nailing Jell-O
- to a tree.
- Car sickness is the feeling you get when the monthly
- car payment is due.
- It isn't difficult to make a mountain out of a molehill:
- just add a little dirt.
- Being silent is good. Others think you are listening.
- Why is the third hand on a watch called a
- second hand?
- Confucius was so smart, he said things like: to
- make egg roll, push it.
Nothing, except the procedure.

A child notices that the adults can get around much faster as they
walk on their feet. The child forms a goal in it's mind of finding
out how to walk like them.
It is a procedure of trail and error. He or she keeps trying and
learning not to do again that which let them fall.
When they have succeeded in walking without falling, it is
committed into the brain like the hard drive in a computer.
Have you ever thought about how you walk. Like as you
start to raise your left leg and swing the lower part forward,
then lower the whole leg while swinging the lower forward
until the heel touches the floor, and on, and on. and on.
When you want to start walking, it happens without your
thinking, move right leg forward, move left leg forward, etc.
It comes out of your brain without you thinking it.
This is called Rote Memory.
The Reason For The Season

Amazing body we live in, isn't it.
Harley Petersen
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